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I am an artist who has lived in Los Angeles, New York City and, now, northern California. My initial interest in art was provoked by the Asian collection at the Seattle Art Museum when I was in high school, and it has continued to this day. I am not a collector, merely an admirer who has picked up the odd scroll, print or seal. Seals especially have engaged a deep involvement and I welcome this opportunity to share. For my own primarily sculptural works please visit my website

happy heaven

This one is curious and cool. The top is carved like it was meant to be printed, but it is not. It says, in a perfectly readable way without printing, 歡天 喜地 huan tian, xi di something like: happy heaven, happy earth. The same is written in regular Chinese on the side, plus the word 'seal.'

Impression 墨汁因缘 mo zhi yin yuan is harder to render into an English phrase. Literally it says 'ink stick, fluid, reason, fate' which is kind of like 'born to write (or paint)'.

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