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I am an artist who has lived in Los Angeles, New York City and, now, northern California. My initial interest in art was provoked by the Asian collection at the Seattle Art Museum when I was in high school, and it has continued to this day. I am not a collector, merely an admirer who has picked up the odd scroll, print or seal. Seals especially have engaged a deep involvement and I welcome this opportunity to share. For my own primarily sculptural works please visit my website

A seal from a Taoist monastery

Dimensions: 3.25"h x 1.25"w x .63" deep
Studio Name: Ru Su
Inscription: A respected man, Mr. Dai Wen Jie, once said, at Yun Lin (Cloud Forest), in Yun Xi (West of Cloud), every tree and every rock is a part of the heavenly idyll. Because of my admiration for such a well educated man, I, a humble abbot who follows Taoist teachings, have decided to name my hermitage the Twin Clouds Bamboo Hut. Such is the origin of this seal, and is so recorded.
Impression: Two clouds bamboo hut

"Two clouds bamboo hut" was (is?) a Taoist hermitage. The inscription records the history of its founding and why the seal was made. This seal is the treasure among my seals: the stone is great, the calligraphy of the side inscription quite beautiful, the carving simple but assured.